Leduc County, Alberta - When Tracy Benkendorf, owner of the Adorado Nino Horse Rescue & Sanctuary went to check on her horses, she was shocked at what she saw.
Fysik, an 11-year-old horse and resident at the sanctuary had become trapped in icy mud and was quickly deteriorating from the ordeal. The mud was up to the horse’s chest, and too thick and icy for him to climb out. He was exhausted, suffering from hypothermia, and had acquired some injuries to his coat and limbs as he attempted to free himself.
Benkendorf went to work quickly trying to free the horse, but it wasn’t long before she got her own tractor stuck in the mud and realized her efforts were futile. When Benkendorf realized the state of the horse and that she couldn’t free him on her own, she reached out to local emergency services for help. But help wouldn’t come easily.
When emergency crews arrived, they realized they simply didn’t have the resources to remove the horse from the icy mud. The local fire department, unable to assist further, had to leave the rescue effort without removing the animal.
With Fysik’s health on the line and time ticking, Benkendorf frantically reached out to the internet for help. She posted an emotional public plea to her Adorado Nino Horse Rescue & Sanctuary Facebook followers asking for help in freeing Fysik. She requested that followers contact the media in hopes of someone, somewhere, being able to offer a viable solution. Luckily, help would soon be on the way.
It turns out, a towing company was just what the sanctuary needed. Vintage Towing was ready to assist, although this would be much different than other tow jobs in the past. Tow trucks were called out to the farm and after several hours in the freezing mud, Fysik was finally free. The ordeal resulted in some cuts and limb swelling, and he is being monitored for signs of frostbite. The ordeal has left him quite stiff and sore with some soft tissue damage, but the overall prognosis is promising.
Via the rescue’s Facebook page, Benkendorf says that Fysik is able to stand again on his own, is eating alfalfa with vigor, and getting some much deserved TLC from her and the rest of the community.
Fysik will continue to be monitored to see that he heals, and in the meantime, Benkendorf is grateful for the support she has received from the community. She has received messages from all over the country wishing Fysik a quick recovery and thanking her for her dedication to rescue horses.
It could take as long as 12 weeks before Fysik is fully recovered from his ordeal, but Benkendorf is optimistic. She continues to give regular updates and shares photos about Fysik's healing journey on the Adorado Nino Horse Rescue & Sanctuary Facebook page.
Fysik will remain under close veterinarian care in the coming weeks as he progresses. Anyone who wishes to contribute to Fysik’s care and support the sanctuary, in general, can do so here.
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