After a long cold winter, spring is finally here! I am glad for warmer temperatures and more daylight hours to spend outside. The one downside to spring’s arrival is the thunderstorms and rain that come with it. Wet and muddy pastures can cause many issues for horses including hoof problems. Below I am sharing with...
8 Important Mare Pregnancy Issues to Be Aware Of
It is such an exciting time when you learn that your mare is pregnant. Just thinking about meeting that new baby in 11 months stirs up all kinds of happy emotions! If you have a mare that is breeding, you may be excited about new foals arriving. But are you aware of the issues that...
20 Expert Tips to Reduce Riding Horseback Anxiety
One might think that anyone who loves horseback riding would look forward with sheer excitement and delight to the joy of climbing into the saddle. But if you find yourself feeling increasing tension, stress, and anxiety before a ride, you are far from alone. You can love something with all your heart and still be...
6 Tips for Finding a Quality Ferrier That Every Horse Owner Needs
Your horse’s hooves are their foundation and it’s critical that they are well cared for so your horse can be healthy and enjoy their days. While some like to think they can manage this on their own, it is vital to your horse and their health that you find and pay for a quality farrier...
5 Best Ways to Teach Kids Healthy Fear of Horses
The size, strength, and majesty of a horse is something to stand in awe of! Horses are such beautiful and strong creatures making it is hard to imagine anyone being fearful of a horse. However, it is important to actually prepare a child to not be afraid of, but have a healthy fear of horses. ...
The 6 Most Important Vaccines Every Horse Owner Should Consider
As horse enthusiasts, we want to protect our horses from as many illnesses as possible. Vaccines and vaccination programs for horses play a role in the overall health and wellness of your horse. As you prepare to care for your horse, you will also need to consider things like vaccines, and which ones are beneficial...
40+ Tasty Fruits and Veggies That Are Safe to Feed Your Horse
Wondering whether you can share your favorite human foods with your horse? Horses can safely eat a lot of the same foods that you can. But there are some exceptions. Because horses are herbivores, this list of safe and unsafe foods will focus mostly on fruits and vegetables. But we will also go over some other foods...
The Top 6 Best Mane Care Products on the Market
Horses are such beautiful animals, and it is always fun to embellish that beauty with great grooming and mane care. Much like humans, their hair can be a gorgeous adornment. It shouldn't be neglected, but instead can be cared for and made to shine and be styled in beautiful ways that only accent the glorious...
The Ultimate List of Pros and Cons of Leasing a Horse to Consider
If you are thinking of getting a horse, you have two basic options. Either you can purchase a horse, or you can lease one. Not sure what to do? One thing that can help you to decide is to familiarize yourself with the benefits and drawbacks of leasing a horse. Pros of Leasing a Horse Below,...
13 Best Reasons to Try Equine Therapy For Kids and Adults
If you or your child has PTSD, anxiety, ADHD, or any of a range of other physical or psychological conditions, you may have heard about equine therapy as a treatment option. Equine therapy is just what it sounds like—therapy with horses! Whether you are fascinated by equestrianism or you have never given a horse a second thought,...
4 Necessary Horse Medications Every Barn Should Have
When you have a barn with multiple horses, you should have a first-aid kit for these animals readily available. You do not know when your horses might need one or more of the medications that you would have stored away in the first-aid kit. It's vital to keep your horses happy and healthy, and this...
5 Common Reasons Your Horse May Not Be Eating
Have you noticed that your horse is not eating? Despite supplying the usual amount of food, your horse may not have even touched it. Because horses can eat up to 20 pounds of food each day, there is something wrong when a horse does not eat. It's really important to make sure you are paying...
Top 6 Types of Jumps In Horse Sports Competitions
Are you curious about entering your horse into competitions? If so, then you may want to know more about the different types of jumps commonly found at competitions. Horses that are naturally good at jumping are perfect for entering into different shows and competitions, and below are some of the most common jumps you will...
4 Popular Types of Hay Safe For Horses to Eat
If you are new to owning a horse, it may seem obvious that horses eat hay, but what kind? Since one of the primary foods given to horses is hay, it's important to know what is best and safest to feed your new family member. While horses can have other treats from time to time,...
5 Ways to Help an Injured Horse Be More Comfortable
Horses can sustain different types of injuries at random. Whether your horse competes in shows or not, there is always the possibility of your horse getting hurt. There are times when the injuries are minor and may include a few bumps or scratches. However, more severe injuries include torn tendons and ligament tears. No matter...
4 Common Horse Injuries You May Not Know About
Every horse owner dreads the day they walk into the barn and find a horse with an injury. When you are considering adding a horse to your life, you need to be aware of some things that can happen beyond standard illnesses. Colds and flu are not the worries with horses, but other issues can...
What Vitamins Do Horses Need for Optimum Health?
Every horse owner knows that the health of your horse is complex. Not just feeding them and caring for their feet, but all of the little details of vitamins, nutrients, and more. Providing horses with the right vitamins is a must. If you want the horses on your land to stay as healthy as possible,...
What Is Horse Quidding and Tips for How You Can Treat It
One question that is regularly asked by those new to horses, is what does the term quidding mean. In a simple answer, horse quidding refers to something that happens when a horse is usually dealing with some discomfort in its mouth. The horse may begin eating food but will spit out bits and pieces of...
10 Best Print Magazines for Horse Enthusiasts {Great as Gifts}
In a world full of all things digital, I still enjoy the thrill of opening the mailbox to find a print magazine waiting for me to enjoy. Bonus points if it is a magazine that is about all things horse-related. If you are like me, then you are in luck! There are still some amazing...
Tips For How Much Food a Horse Should Eat in a Day
When you have horses, knowing how often and how much to feed them is crucial. You want to get them on a schedule to ensure they receive the right amount of food and especially the right nutrition. Not only will this tell you how much to feed your horses, but also more information about the...
5 Best Places to Buy Barn and Horse Supplies Online
As a horse lover you enjoy caring for and riding your horse but sometimes finding exactly what you need to be prepared to ride or care for your horse can be difficult. Whether you are a cowboy, equestrian or someone new to riding horses this list of places to buy horse supplies online can be...
5 Unique Ways to Display Horse Show Ribbons in Your Home
Do you have many horse show ribbons that you would like to proudly display in your home? If you want to show off your accomplishments in a unique way, check out some of these different ways to display the ribbons. You can stick with a traditional way of displaying the ribbons or try something a...
5 Types of Worms Horses Get and Treatment Options
If you have horses or plan to get some, you should know that horses can end up with worms. Unfortunately, worms can develop when horses unintentionally consume feces of other animals while eating. Because horses spend a lot of time grazing, there is always that possibility of ending up with some form of worms. Now...
Tips for Getting the Barn Smell Out of Your Clothes
Owning a horse means that you can likely be caught working in the barn and caring for your horse on a daily basis. Although some barn chores are more physically taxing than others, it can always be relaxing to be near your horse in the barn. The only downside to working with your horses or...
Do Horses Need Their Teeth Brushed and More Dental Tips
You may have noticed that your horses have large, noticeable teeth. If you have not already learned about taking care of their oral hygiene, you may wonder if you need to brush their teeth. While taking good care of the teeth is vital for all horses, you do not have to brush their teeth like...
4 Proven Methods to Keep Hay Dry in Long Term Storage
If you have horses, you may want to have a stockpile of hay available for them. This is especially important if you live where the whether gets rough in winter months. These tips to keep hay dry in long term storage are so important. You never want to run out, but you also don't want...
6 Tried and True Tips to Help Adult to Get Past Fear of Horses
As much as we all love horses here, we know that isn't the case everywhere. Sometimes, it just boils down to a fear, rational or not. So, helping adults get past fear of horses is another part of our goal. These large animals may look intimidating, but they are incredibly friendly for the most part....
5 Incredibly Fun Ways to Decide Your Horses Name
Bringing a horse into your life is a big commitment with many factors to consider. But choosing a name for your horse should be a fun part of the process. To help take the stress out of choosing a name for your horse we came up with some fun ways to decide your horse's name. ...
23 Things You Need To Know Before Getting A Horse
Love the idea of having your own horse? An equine companion can be one of life’s most incredible gifts. But before you make that commitment, there are a number of important things you should know. Owning a horse is a promise to love and care for a beautiful animal. A lot of time and energy...
41 Genius Horse Care Hacks You've Never Thought Of
When you are an equestrian, there never seem to be enough hours in the day. Keeping up with the care of your horse as well as tasks around your barn can leave you scrambling to find time for actually riding and bonding with your equine pal. Thankfully, there are a lot of useful hacks that...
Director Ashley Avis Of Disney+'s New Black Beauty Film Talks With iHeartHorses
There isn't a horse lover on the planet who isn't familiar with the story of Black Beauty. The classic novel is a favorite among many both young and old, and Disney+ has recently released a modern version of the film directed by the lovely and talented Ashley Avis, Founder of Winterstone Pictures. I had the...
Study Shows Horses Understand Our Intentions
How well do horses understand us? Can they understand what our intentions are? Research is showing they certainly can. This means they can analyze our actions and make predictions about what our next step will be, adjusting their behavior accordingly. Lea Lansade, PhD, from the French Horse and Riding Institute as well as the...
Do Blanketed Horses Eat Less? Study Says Yes
The practice of horse blanketing continues to be weighed for its pros and cons, but recent research done by Michelle DeBoer, Ph.D. is shedding more light on the topic. In her study, DeBoer and her team of researchers took 16 horses similar in age, breed, and body weight and separated them into two equal groups....
Study Proves That Horses Can Understand Human Emotions
Humans and horses have existed together for thousands of years, and during that time many humans have felt a very deep connection to them. Horses haven’t just been used for farming and transportation over the years, but for quality companionship as well. Many horse owners feel as though their horses can understand them, and their...
Horse Reacts To Donkey In The Funniest Way Possible
It is said that kids say the darndest things, but what about horses? Check out this funny encounter between a horse and a donkey for a hilarious reaction to an "intruder" in the barn! Horses may be one of the larger animals in the barnyard but their size doesn't make them less likely to startle...
Community Comes Together to Rescue Horse Trapped in Mud
Leduc County, Alberta - When Tracy Benkendorf, owner of the Adorado Nino Horse Rescue & Sanctuary went to check on her horses, she was shocked at what she saw. Fysik, an 11-year-old horse and resident at the sanctuary had become trapped in icy mud and was quickly deteriorating from the ordeal. The mud was up...
Authorities In Search Of Driver Who Transported Horse In Back Of Pickup Truck
Horse owners know that the only safe way to transport a horse via vehicle is with a horse trailer. It doesn't matter if it's a goose neck or slant load, but transporting a horse always comes with risks, and proper safety measures can't be ignored. Motorists in Tennessee were shocked, however, when they witnessed a...
Great Gift Ideas For The Horse Lover In Your Life—Or Just For You!
You love horses or you wouldn't be reading this, right? Well, now that we have the totally obvious out of the way, we can all agree that any person who is crazy for horses isn't afraid to show it! It's a badge of honor that we wear for our equine friends who make our world...
Given 60 Days To Vacate Property, This Colorado Horse Sanctuary Needs Help
Journey with Equus in Elizabeth, Colorado is home to more than 70 horses, mules, and donkeys. Every one of those equine residents has a heartbreaking story to tell. They were abandoned in fields, left to starve in stalls, abused, auctioned off, and forgotten. Their lives were hard, but Journey with Equus has made it their...
40-Year-Old Horse Rescued From Septic Tank
It was a long night for Florida firefighters when a call came in about a senior horse in a perilous situation. At 40 years old, the horse named Buddy Bear unknowingly walked over an open septic tank. He put one foot over the tank, and he fell deep into the pit. It was late and...